Piào Liàng – Rosalind’s Wigs Restore Beauty in Chinatown

Piào Liàng – Rosalind’s Wigs Restore Beauty in Chinatown


Piào liàng – the Mandarin word for beautiful – literally translates as “elegant and bright.” At Rosalind Stella’s we believe a hairstyle should do just that. Its sweeping lines should give a sense of grace and its proportions should bring balance to the face. The brilliance of rich color and shine should brighten the face and lend a sense of poise and confidence to the man or woman beneath it. In short – hair should do a lot more than just warm your head. It should be a source of beauty and character.

However, for an increasing number of residents in Philadelphia’s Center City neighborhood of Chinatown, the modern world’s stress causes many even as young as their 20s and 30s to prematurely gray. Higher than average incidences of cancer also rob men and woman of all ages of their hair through rigorous chemotherapy treatments. However Rosalind Stella’s is committed to helping the people of Chinatown restore piào liàng through a multitude of wig options.


Genuine Asian Hair

The Chinese, Korean, Thai, Vietnamese, and other Asian-American residents of Chinatown are very fortunate when it comes to finding a suitable wig – namely because most human hair is sourced from Asia. China is one of the leading producers of such hair (behind India), and although much of it is treated, dyed, and permed to create European colors and textures, men and woman who are lucky enough to need a genuine Asian look will find a bountiful supply of wigs with genuine Chinese colors and textures.


Human Hair Wigs

Asian wigs in black or dark brown are available in a wide variety of styles, including the quintessential long and sleek look. Both men and woman can benefit from the way human hair wigs look and act like your natural hair, because it is natural hair. These wigs can be styled, cut, and colored just like your own hair – including styling with heated implements – and last the longest of any wig type, often looking healthy for years.


These wigs are perfect for those who are looking for a long-term hair solution, whether you suffer from alopecia or simply need to cover up premature gray. Lace front options can give you such a natural-looking hairline that the Hollywood movie industry uses them for film production, while monofilament tops with their thin, airy mesh allow the follicles to appear to grow directly from your scalp for a natural, worry-free look.


Synthetic Wigs

Individuals who need their wigs for a shorter time – such as during chemotherapy – or who are looking for the most affordable hair solution may enjoy a synthetic wig, which very closely mimics the natural shine of real Asian hair. Although made from polymers, a high-quality synthetic wig looks and feels so natural that it often takes a wig expert or stylist to know for sure which type of wig you have.


These wigs have the benefit of being maintenance-free due to the way in which the synthetic fibers hold their shape. In the morning, you can simply brush and go. However, for those who want the benefits of synthetic hair with the flexibility of human hair, there are also heat-friendly options, which can sustain direct heat at low temperatures, such as that from a curling iron or straightener.


Why Rosalind Stella’s?

We know that you have many places to choose from when you look for a wig. But few places will give you the security and attention of Rosalind Stella’s. We’ve been in business for decades and specialize in high-quality wigs in an industry where sub-standard materials and cheap hairpieces are often passed off as the real thing. Our friendly staff also provides individualized attention, and you can even schedule a private fitting at our Bustleton Avenue location.


In short – we love helping you and are passionate about restoring beauty and balance to your life. Call us today for more information at (215) 725-3930.


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