Chemotherapy Wig
Chemotherapy Wig
When you are looking for a chemotherapy wig you will want to make sure that you have a few ideas before you start your search. There are some people out there that think that they will not be one of the people that lose their hair. The sad fact of the matter most people do. You need to consider if you want to look for a wig before your chemotherapy or after. There are some considerations that come into play.
- How you are feeling
- When you have doctors’ appointments scheduled
- Before or after your hair loss
When you are going through chemotherapy there are a number of days where you are tired or do not want to deal with people. This is why many times people suggest getting chemotherapy wigs before you undergo your first treatment. For many people they feel fine for a few days or even a few treatments before they start to experience the nausea, tiredness, and overall effects of chemotherapy.
There are a number of appointments that are associated with chemotherapy and you may find that on the days that you get to stay home and not get poked you might want to stay home and rest or visit with friends or just do what you would normally do. Once chemotherapy starts you will need to watch your numbers to be able to go out to a store which means it is better to go to a wig shop before you start the process. There are mask that you can use and wig shops that frequently deal with people with cancer understand your needs.
You will also need to determine if you would prefer to get a wig before you lose your hair and are able to find one that will match your current hair or if you would want to go after you lose your hair and be able to get a whole new look.
We understand that anyone that is going through chemotherapy have enough to deal with and that is why we make sure that we provide individual attention to our customers and make sure that we have people well trained on chemotherapy wigs so we can answer all your questions. Come on in to Rosalind Stella’s Wig Boutique or give us a:
Call at (215) 725-3930 for all of your wig needs.