Philadelphia Cancer Patients Are Survivors With Style at Rosalind Stella’s

Philadelphia Cancer Patients Are Survivors With Style at Rosalind Stella’s

According to the most recent statistics from the Pennsylvania Department of Health, 8,570 Philadelphia residents from under 5 to over 85 were diagnosed with cancer in 2011. To put this in context, that means that for every large (200+) group you’re a part of – your job, school, civic group, place of worship, neighborhood – there is probably at least one person who is fighting for life.

That’s the bad news. The good news is that cancer detection and treatment methods are improving every day. More people are surviving and even thriving after cancer than ever before. But along the way, every one of them could use a little cheer and help enjoying every day of the precious gift of life.

That’s one reason why Rosalind Stella’s is so pleased to offer wigs for both men and women undergoing chemotherapy. It’s been proven time and again that when you feel attractive, your attitude, work life, social life, and willingness to engage in activities of all kinds improve dramatically, helping you to enjoy and engage in life to the fullest. And one of the best ways to feel attractive after hair loss is with a natural and stylish wig.

We offer wigs for patients with all hair types and in a wide array of situations including:

Lace-front – These wigs are favored by patients who are looking for the most natural hairline possible – for instance, to keep their wig discrete in a high-level professional environment or in front of the media. Lace provides such a realistic hairline that it is the only material commonly used in film production and can keep your wig a secret until you’re ready to make it known.

Monofilament (Mono top) – These wigs provide the greatest level of comfort for most cancer patients, whose sensitive scalps feel the relief of the soft, breathable mesh that makes up the monofilament top. Mono tops are available in a wide array of styles, which makes it easy to find one that can be styled just like your old hairdo.

SyntheticSynthetic wigs not only look and feel just like human hair, but they are also more affordable. These wigs are perfect for patients who are already feeling the weight of the medical bills and are looking for a budget-friendly way to keep looking great.

Human hair Both men and woman love our human hair wigs, which look and act just like natural hair. But these wigs are especially important to some women, who see it as a symbol of their femininity. For those times when synthetic hair, for all its accuracy, just doesn’t hold the same emotional value, real human hair can help ease the gap between the hair you had and the hair you will have again.

Rosalind Stella’s not only offers wigs, but also training on how to select, style, and care for your hairpiece, knowing that for many, this process is new. Our caring staff represents the ultimate in discretion and can schedule a private fitting room for your comfort and convenience.

If you would like more information on any of our products or services, we encourage you to stop by our Bustleton Avenue location or call us at (215) 725-3930. We look forward to helping support you during this difficult time and to restoring your confidence in your self-image.

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